August 2020 Membership Meeting – Nominations Process

August 13, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,

As a result of the ongoing COVID19 related restrictions, many of the functions of Lodge #3 have been forced to be altered, including our own Board of Directors election this year.

In order to proceed with our election process, our Lodge Bylaws state that nominations for candidates must occur at the August General Membership Meeting, to be held on August 24, 2020 at 7PM in the Lodge Hall. In order to comply with capacity requirements, we will only be able to allow 30 members to attend, plus the Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons.  It was decided, by the Board and with the knowledge and advice of our SBWD attorneys, that the following procedural accommodations are both reasonable and equitable, considering the present circumstances:

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please let us know by email at [email protected]. Only the first 30 responses will be registered and permitted in the Hall.  If at any time, between the time you request attendance and the actual meeting, you find that you are unable to attend, please let us know immediately so that we can fill your seat.
  • Anyone wishing to nominate someone, or themselves, can do so by appearing, promptly at 7PM, at the double door entry to the Lodge Hall at the end of parking lot. There, you must identify yourselves to the Guard (or designee) and await further instructions. The meeting will go out of order and the nomination process will be the first order of business at 7PM.  At this time, you will be allowed into the Hall for a very brief period in which to announce your nomination.
  • Anyone wishing to be nominated must meet the required eligibility by being a member in good standing of the Lodge and having attended five (5) monthly membership meetings since September 2019.

As a reminder to those attending, we will be observing all of the current best practices as they relate to the spread of the virus.

  • Masks will be required at all times by all participants.
  • Social distancing will be strictly observed.
  • There will be no food or drink served.

Unfortunately, this, like most everything else in the past few months, is not ideal and is an inconvenience; however, it is our new normal, at least for the next few months, and we must be flexible.  I appreciate your patience and understanding.


Mike Mancuso