Membership Meeting Update
September 2020
Lodge/Lounge Construction
Construction work is completed. Lighting in the parking lot and front of the building has been greatly improved. Lounge is undergoing final preparations and will open sometime in the next couple of weeks.
2021 Legislative Session
Work to prepare for the defense of the LEOBR continues. President Mancuso and lawyers from SBWD are continuously meeting with legislators to explain purpose of LEOBR.
Sgt. Carrington Van
We have been successful in securing $60,000 for the purchase of customized van for Sgt. Ike Carrington. Both Mile One Auto Group and the Signal 13 Foundation stepped up to support this effort and President Mancuso expressed tremendous gratitude for the diligent support of Brother Jerry Heid and the work he has done to help make this happen. The total cost of the van is $70,000 and the membership voted to add the additional $10,000 required to complete the purchase. Sgt. Carrington is extremely grateful!
Workday HR System
Brother Elliot Cohen, Labor/Management Chair, again noted that in October, the City will be switching to a new personnel management system known as Workday. Despite our concerns and warnings to both the Department and the City regarding the functioning and implementation of this system, the process will go forward. As a result, we expect numerous problems and strongly suggest that all members reconcile their LEAVE accounts with what is currently shown on the ADP system as we anticipate this to be one of the major problems. There is an extraordinarily strong probability that Leave will not translate to the new system properly and your Leave slips and paper records will become extremely important to correctly identify your Leave. If you find a discrepancy in your Leave accounts, please notify your Payroll Clerk, in writing. There will be an audit conducted and if you are requested to respond, please provide any information requested.
Attorney Kieran Dowdy (SBWD) noted that there remains a number of pending Grievances including the loss of two Lodge Detail positions. Medical pension hearings are resuming, remotely, with one hearing/month at the current time. If anyone has any questions, please contact SBWD. Active members are reminded that if they are notified of an IAD investigation, they should contact SBWD promptly.
Board of Directors Election
The election results are in and Brother Ron Starr has been reelected to serve as 3rd VP for the next two years. All other positions were unopposed, and Board Members were elected by acclamation at the August Membership Meeting as previously announced.
State FOP Conference
The State Conference was held, as scheduled, in Ocean City and 1st VP Clyde Boatwright was elected to serve as the new State Lodge President. He spoke at this meeting and expressed his gratitude for the support he’s received from Lodge #3. Our own Brother Earl Kratsch once again ran unopposed in his bid to retain his seat as State Treasurer. He has been the only State Treasurer in the 53-year history of the State FOP.
Membership Information
Everyone is asked to update their email addresses with the Lodge. We have 4311 members but only approx. 2300 email address. Much of our communication with members comes through email and it is important that we have your personal information on file so that we can keep you in the loop.
- DDUs did not received clothing allowance because they are no longer classified as CID units. This has been corrected and DDU members should submit the appropriate forms.
- Active members are reminded to follow through with replacing their current ballistic vests. There still remain a number of expired vests throughout the Department.