December 16, 2020
Brothers and Sisters,
As you are aware the City of Baltimore will be implementing the new Workday payroll system on Sunday, Dec 20th. The FOP has attempted to get answers on policy and implementation since early March. The City and BPD Command staff, in some cases, have been unable to provide any guarantees for policy or implementation. The bottom line is the city is forcing this workday system on all city agencies before it is ready. The FOP has asked, throughout the last six months, that this system not be implemented until the majority of the issues are worked out.
Based on this reality we are encouraging all members to follow the guidance that has been provided so far on how to record your time using the Workday system. We are also encouraging you to maintain your own record of all time you worked to audit your upcoming paycheck in January. Please record any work function that you are required to complete prior to starting your shift and all work functions after the completion of your shift to the minute. These activities could range from COVID testing, roll call prep, relieving units prior to your shift, completing post-shift related items, etc.
It is unfortunate that our city operates in such a fashion however FOP3 will be here to work through the issues as they arise.
Be safe,
Mike Mancuso